(Video) French Parliamentarians Champion Iranian People’s Quest for Democracy

(Video) French Parliamentarians Champion Iranian People’s Quest for Democracy

On Wednesday, Oct.11, in a conference held on the occasion of the World Day Against Execution at the French National Assembly, French parliamentarians, they gathered to discuss aboute the dire human rights situation under the theocratic dictatorship in Iran.

The President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran Mrs. Maryam Rajavi stated in her speech:“The world must stand against the mullahs’ warmongering. Instrumentalizing the Palestinian issue is a well-known tactic of this deceitful regime.

The President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran Mrs. Maryam Rajavi stated in her speech:“The world must stand against the mullahs’ warmongering. Instrumentalizing the Palestinian issue is a well-known tactic of this deceitful regime.

André Chassaigne, the head of the Communist bloc in the French Parliament pointed out that in Iran, the death penalty is not merely a judicial tool or a ruthless and  punishment; it serves as a political device for the widespread suppression of the people.

André Chassaigne, the head of the Communist bloc in the French Parliament pointed out that in Iran, the death penalty is not merely a judicial tool or a ruthless and punishment; it serves as a political device for the widespread suppression of the people .

MP Philippe Gosselin, " expressed that he has roots with General de Gaulle, and on this international day against executions, like him, “I want to tell you that the flame of resistance that you have lit should not be extinguished.”

MP Philippe Gosselin, ” expressed that he has roots with General de Gaulle, and on this international day against executions, like him, “I want to tell you that the flame of resistance that you have lit should not be extinguished.”

MP Cécile Rilhac. “our progress has stirred reactions from those advocating appeasement with the mullahs or those longing for a return to the previous dictatorship. However, we are determined to support the Iranian people’s fight for democracy.”

MP Cécile Rilhac. “our progress has stirred reactions from those advocating appeasement with the mullahs or those longing for a return to the previous dictatorship. However, we are determined to support the Iranian people’s fight for democracy.”

Maryam Rajavi,” Khamenei and Raisi want to transform the Iranian people‘s uprising and struggle against religious fascism in Iran into a Muslim-Jewish war.”

Khamenei has stated that if the regime does not engage in conflicts in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, it will have to confront the people and rebellious youth in, Hamedan, Isfahan, & Tehran.”


PARIS, FARANCE, October 16, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — The National Council of Resistance of Iran-(NCRI) Foreign Affairs Committee in an article wrote that on Wednesday, October 11, in a conference held on the occasion of the World Day Against Execution at the French National Assembly, French parliamentarians, members, and supporters of the Iranian Resistance, as well as human rights activists and politicians from various countries,

The President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran Mrs. Maryam Rajavi stated in her speech:

“The world must stand against the mullahs’ warmongering. Instrumentalizing the Palestinian issue is a well-known tactic of this deceitful regime. Today, Khamenei and Raisi want to transform the Iranian people‘s uprising and struggle against religious fascism in Iran into a Muslim-Jewish war.”

They seek a shield and a cover to contain the uprising and preserve the mullahs’ rule. The right policy is to stand against the clerical regime, the foremost state sponsor of terrorism and warmongering. The 8-year war with Iraq was fought with the slogan “conquering Quds (Jerusalem) via Karbala.”

The war left one million dead, 2 million disabled and injured, 4 million displaced, and caused a trillion dollars in material damage on the Iranian side.

In addition to this, there were daily executions, especially of the PMOI/MEK. Khomeini considered the war a “Divine Blessing” that could cover up the executions and repression while preserving his regime.

After the National Liberation Army of Iran (NLA) conquered the city of Mehran, which forced him to accept the ceasefire, Khomeini resorted to massacring political prisoners in prisons across the country and issued a fatwa for the immediate execution of every prisoner who remained loyal to the PMOI/MEK.

Khamenei has openly stated that if the regime does not engage in conflicts in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, it will have to confront the angry people and rebellious youth in Kermanshah, Hamedan, Isfahan, and Tehran.

Khamenei relies on the inaction of Europe and the US when he resorts to warmongering and executions.

The massacre of innocent civilians fuels religious fascism in Iran and serves as a shield and cover to suppress the uprising and avoid its downfall. To achieve peace and freedom, one should target the head of the snake (leadership) in Tehran.

Recently, a network of regime agents was exposed in the US and Europe’s political institutions and government agencies. This revelation exposed the behind-the-scene events of the policy of appeasement. This network actively works at high levels in Washington, DC, Germany, Sweden, and undoubtedly in other countries, including France.

These agents receive their orders directly from the Iranian regime, and their mission is to influence Western governments to:

– Justify the clerical regime’s positions and demands regarding its nuclear program;

– Prevent new sanctions;

– Prevent the terrorist designation of the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC);

– Infiltrate other agents in government positions and as experts in the West.

They spread this big lie that the PMOI/MEK and the National Council of Resistance (NCRI) do not have any base of support inside Iran and are not an alternative.

The disclosure of this network proves the facts that we have said many times:

– That the mullahs’ regime dictates the policy of appeasement.

– The IRGC and the ministries in Tehran produce the lies to justify appeasement.

According to this critical experience, France is expected to take the initiative to expel the regime’s agents from the soil of France and Europe.

The time has come to revise European politics.

First, the European Troika’s decision to maintain missile sanctions against the regime is a positive step. But they should not forget to activate the trigger mechanism and restore the six UN Security Council resolutions on the regime’s nuclear projects.

Second, the regime’s access to European markets and universities to facilitate the production of weapons and means of repression should be prevented by strengthening the sanctions regime.

Third, I call on the French National Assembly to follow suit with the European Parliament and several European parliaments and include the IRGC in the terrorist list.”

Read the full statements of Mrs. Rajavi on her website.

André Chassaigne, the head of the Communist bloc in the French Parliament and the deputy of the parliamentary Committee for Democratic Iran, noted that despite the repression on the anniversary of the uprising in Tehran and 40 cities across Iran, the The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), Resistance Units carried out more than 414 operations against the regime’s suppressive apparatus. He emphasized that these units represent the only unified force actively present on the scene.

Mr. Chassaigne also pointed out that in Iran, the death penalty is not merely a judicial tool or a ruthless and inhumane punishment; it serves as a political device for the widespread suppression of the people.

Ms. Marietje Schaake, a member of the National Assembly from the Socialist Party and a former rapporteur of the European Council on death sentences, stressed the need for France to consistently address the issue of executions in the Parliament and the Senate. She argued that this struggle is ongoing and must be highlighted to showcase opposition to such crimes occurring worldwide.

Mr. Émile Blessig, a former senior MP and one of the founders of the parliamentary Committee for Democratic Iran, stated that in the struggle for a free and democratic Iran with the separation of religion from the state, the National Council of Resistance, under Mrs. Rajavi’s leadership, plays a fundamental and indispensable role for the country’s future. He added that the world will not stand idly by observing the increasing number of executions in Iran.

Executioners, torturers, and human rights violators in Iran, especially the Revolutionary Guards, should know that they will be prosecuted. By supporting the Iranian people’s struggle, we are also fighting for peace in the world, Mr. Blessing concluded.

MP Philippe Gosselin, the deputy head of the parliamentary Committee for Democratic Iran, expressed that he has roots with General de Gaulle, and on this international day against executions, like him, “I want to tell you that the flame of resistance that you have lit should not be extinguished.”

“We are all working together to ensure it does not go out, and we stand by you to achieve victory for freedom as soon as possible, victory for Iran and its people against the regime,” Mr. Gosselin added.

MP Cécile Rilhac, a representative of the majority fraction (Renaissance) and the head of the Parliamentary Committee for Democratic Iran, stated that the Parliamentary Committee for Democratic Iran is proud to have taken the initiative in supporting the Iranian people’s struggle for a democratic republic with the separation of religion and state, an initiative that was signed by the majority of representatives from various political movements. “Of course,” she added, “our progress has stirred reactions from those advocating appeasement with the mullahs or those longing for a return to the previous dictatorship. However, we are determined to support the Iranian people’s fight for democracy.”

Mrs. Dominique Attias, the head of the Administrative Council of the European Lawyers’ Foundation, and former head of the Paris Bar Association and the European Lawyers’ Federation with over one million members, pointed out that at the helm of the Iranian government is Ebrahim Raisi, who she described as being involved with his accomplices in the massacre of 30,000 prisoners.

She emphasized a direct relationship between the demand for the abolition of execution and modern democracy. Mrs. Attias mentioned that Mrs. Rajavi had been calling for the abolition of executions since 2006 in her Ten-Point Plan, defending this cause tirelessly.

She also mentioned that with its lies, the regime is attempting to discredit the resistance that Mrs. Rajavi represents. However, she stated, it is too late for the regime, as women and men of goodwill will not be deceived by such tactics. She emphasized that the flame of freedom, life, and resistance will lead Iran toward democracy and the abolition of the death penalty.

Professor Aude de Thuin, former president of the Supreme Education Union, expressed that she participated in the event due to her support for Mrs. Rajavi. She stressed that the fight in Iran is not just about the hijab but the fundamental rights of all humans. Professor de Thuin highlighted that the revolution of Iranian women has begun, with or without the hijab.

She also called on the United Nations to investigate the 30,000 arrests and 3,000 disappearances, stating that France should support the UN’s investigative mission.

Jean-François Legaret, former mayor of Paris’s first district and president of the Foundation for Middle East Studies, noted the resilience of the MEK despite the dreadful and brutal repression. He commended the organization and its efforts.

Jacques Bouthier, a unionist in the educational and university sector, stressed that the struggle for a democratic Iran is the cornerstone of the future of humanity and freedom in all countries.

Taher Boumedra, the director of the Committee for Justice for the victims of the 1988 massacre (JVMI) and former representative of the United Nations Secretary-General in Iraq for Ashraf, highlighted the need for the Iranian regime’s president Ebrahim Raisi to be prosecuted and tried for his direct involvement in the extrajudicial executions of thousands of political prisoners. He also mentioned the rise in executions in Iran despite global progress in abolishing the death penalty.

Shahin Gobadi
+33 6 61 65 32 31
email us here

Khamenei relies on the inaction of Europe and the US when he resorts to warmongering and executions.

Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/661972071/video-french-parliamentarians-champion-iranian-people-s-quest-for-democracy

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