Presidential Candidate Joseph Collins Jr Breaks the Mold and Shifts Libertarian Conversation in Alabama

Presidential Candidate Joseph Collins Jr Breaks the Mold and Shifts Libertarian Conversation in Alabama
I thought the debate was a great debate. I was happy I won the debate. I would be the first black candidate to ever win the libertrarian nomination and I am the only person who can beat Donald Trump.”

— Presidential Candidate Joseph Collins Jr.

CHEATHAM, ALABAMA, UNITED STATES, February 7, 2024 / — In a groundbreaking turn of events at the recent Libertarian Alabama Presidential Debate, Joseph Collins Jr. emerged as a standout candidate, challenging conventional libertarian views by emphasizing the need for securing southern borders. Collins Jr. brought a fresh perspective to the debate stage.

In a historic moment at the picturesque Cheatham State Park in the Alabama mountains, Joseph Collins Jr., the first African American Libertarian presidential candidate, left an indelible mark on the Libertarian Alabama Presidential Debate. His bold departure from traditional libertarian views on border policies, coupled with a passionate advocacy for liberty and a reduction in the size of government, captivated the audience and could reshape the future of the Libertarian Party.

Collins Jr.’s standout stance on closing the southern borders challenged the stereotypical libertarian narrative, injecting a new perspective into the discourse. His emphasis on the need for secure borders while maintaining a commitment to liberty showcased his ability to navigate nuanced issues, setting him apart from the traditional libertarian mold.

During the debate, Collins Jr. passionately conveyed his belief that the true issue facing America is the realization that the government holds citizens in bondage. Advocating for a reduction in the size of big government, he articulated a vision for a nation where individual freedom prevails over excessive government control.

“I am very excited to have a black man who exemplifies freedom as a presidential nominee for the Libertarian party. A black man who is unapologetically black,” says Libertarian, debate attendee, Smart North America trainer, and founder of Dothan for Justice Now Ruth Page-Nelson. “A lot of times the parties have more caucasians than people of color. Although those people have a genuine heart for equality or justice they do not understand when things are not equal or just.”

“I believe that African American people are constantly on this march to freedom,” continues Page-Nelson. “Too often people of color fight for civil rights and freedoms we already have. Collins’ campaign will help them understand that their rights are inherent. No matter the color of one’s skin constitutional rights are our civil rights.”

“Collins Jr’s campaign gives us a bird’s eye view from all perspectives of life in America. He is a successful businessman who grew up in south-central Los Angeles. He will encourage more people of color to join the Libertarian party. He will help people understand that with less government you will have more freedom instead of simply believing that if you wait for handouts, you will somehow get more than the person giving the handout” continues Page-Nelson.

This fresh approach to liberty and freedom resonated strongly with the audience, particularly libertarian hardliners who found themselves reconsidering their positions. Collins Jr.’s charisma and eloquence not only won the debate but also marked a turning point for the Libertarian Party, prompting discussions about its future trajectory.

Numerous observers drew parallels between Collins Jr.’s influence on the party and the transformative impact Barack Obama had on the Democrats. His ability to unite and inspire libertarians from diverse backgrounds led some to speculate that the party may have found its own visionary leader.

The picturesque Cheatham State Park, nestled in the Alabama mountains, provided the scenic setting for a crucial moment in politics. Joseph Collins Jr. emerges as a catalyst for change, prompting the Libertarian Party to stand at a crossroads, pondering a new era.

Learn more about Joseph Collins at

Joseph Collins, Jr.
Joseph Collins Jr. For President 2024
+1 213-594-5552
[email protected]
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