Online National Conference “Global Crisis: America at the Crossroads 2024” Announced by Volunteers of Creative Society

Online National Conference “Global Crisis: America at the Crossroads 2024” Announced by Volunteers of Creative Society

Global Crisis. America at the Crossroads 2024 | National Online Conference | October 7, 2023

Conference Topics

Conference Topics

Creative Society Project

Proud Americans Unite for a Turning Point in History at National Online Conference – GLOBAL CRISIS: AMERICA AT THE CROSSROADS 2024. Free public event.

Delve into a multidisciplinary exploration of climate change, including insights from other planets and the 12,000-year cycle of climate catastrophes. Unfiltered research.”

— Creative Society

ATLANTA, GA, USA, September 9, 2023/ — In a time when the United States finds itself at a critical juncture, grappling with multifaceted crises touching upon every aspect of our society, the need for unity and informed decision-making has never been greater. With unwavering commitment to uncovering truth through rigorous research and undeniable facts, volunteers of the Creative Society project extend a heartfelt invitation to all American citizens to participate in the “Global Crisis: America at the Crossroads 2024” online national conference.

Scheduled for October 7, 2023, at 1:00 PM EDT, this live broadcast event will be accessible to all on various social media channels and through the official website:

The conference aims to illuminate the pressing issues facing our nation and offer three distinct paths forward. There will be no room for conspiracy theories; instead, attendees can expect a deep dive into thoroughly researched topics:

1. True Causes of Climate Change: Discover the real story behind climate change, unveiling the facts and figures that define our planet’s fate in 2024 and beyond.

2. 26 Years of Independent Research: Delve into a multidisciplinary exploration of climate change, including insights from other planets and the 12,000-year cycle of climate catastrophes. Unfiltered research that’s driven by grassroots curiosity, not agendas.

3. Science in the Current Format: Will science save us or do grants hold greater value than human lives? Consequences of Inaction: Understand the dire outcomes of ignoring crucial information.

4. Decision 2024: Grasp the fundamental significance of choice and actions of each individual right now and how our lives will be shaped by the natural climate processes we can’t afford to ignore.

This conference is designed for every American who:

– Analyzes unbiased research to make informed decisions.

– Seeks the truth amidst conspiracy theories, yearning for clarity.

– Cares about their family’s future and envision a just society.

– Faces facts head-on and values thorough research.

– Is ready to unite for survival and shared prosperity.

– Acknowledges the limitations of the current power structure.

– Seeks solutions benefiting all, not just a privileged few.

This National Online Conference, titled “Global Crisis: America at the Crossroads 2024,” is a testament to the spirit of unity and shared responsibility. It is run by the people, for the people, and was initiated by active participants of the Creative Society in the USA.

For more information and to join the conference, please visit

Alicia Smith
Creative Society
email us here
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Global Crisis. America at the Crossroads 2024 | National Online Conference | October 7, 2023

Originally published at

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