Green Home Systems Applauds FERC’s New Law to Accelerate US Grid Interconnection Process

Green Home Systems Applauds FERC’s New Law to Accelerate US Grid Interconnection Process

Green Home Systems Applauds FERC’s New Law to Accelerate US Grid Interconnection Process

FERC’s new law accelerates US grid interconnection, in a significant move that contributes to the nation’s sustainability goals.

A streamlined interconnection process is vital for accelerating the transition to a cleaner and more sustainable energy future”

— Barry Durand, GHS Commercial Manager

LOS ANGELES, CA, UNITED STATES, August 2, 2023/ — Green Home Systems (GHS), a leading provider of renewable energy solutions, enthusiastically welcomes the recent announcement from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) regarding a groundbreaking new law aimed at streamlining the backed-up US grid interconnection process. The company views this regulatory development as a significant milestone towards achieving a more efficient and sustainable energy transition.

The new FERC law seeks to address the challenges and delays associated with the interconnection of renewable energy projects to the US electricity grid. Recognizing the importance of grid interconnections in fostering renewable energy integration, GHS applauds this initiative as a crucial step forward for the renewable energy sector.

Key Highlights of the FERC New Law:
Accelerating Project Approval: The FERC law aims to expedite the project approval process by establishing clear timelines for grid interconnection studies and system impact assessments. By streamlining these processes, renewable energy projects can move forward more efficiently, reducing bureaucratic delays.

Enhancing Transparency and Coordination: The new law emphasizes improved coordination among stakeholders, utilities, and developers, promoting transparency and a more collaborative approach. This will foster better communication and understanding between parties involved in grid interconnection projects.

Facilitating Grid Modernization: GHS recognizes the importance of modernizing the US grid to accommodate the integration of renewable energy sources. The FERC law’s focus on grid enhancements will strengthen grid resilience, allowing for a smoother integration of clean energy into the existing infrastructure.

Encouraging Renewable Energy Adoption: GHS believes that the streamlined grid interconnection process will incentivize more homeowners, businesses, and communities to embrace renewable energy technologies. This, in turn, will contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and advancing the nation’s sustainability goals.

Barry Durand, Commercial Manager at Green Home Systems, stated, “We commend FERC’s commitment to improving the grid interconnection process. As a company dedicated to promoting renewable energy solutions, we recognize that a streamlined interconnection process is vital for accelerating the transition to a cleaner and more sustainable energy future.”

Green Home Systems remains dedicated to providing innovative renewable energy solutions and supporting the wider adoption of clean energy technologies.

For more information about Green Home Systems and its solar solutions, visit

Joel Shamir
Green Home Systems
+1 323-943-6282
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