A Sixteenth Major Improvement to the Integrated Visual Augmentation System

A Sixteenth Major Improvement to the Integrated Visual Augmentation System

Using Artificial Intelligence to predict a precise future location of a vulnerable spot on an enemy craft to enable more precise targeting and lower munitions warfare

Using AI to predict a precise future location of a vulnerable spot on an enemy craft to enable more precise targeting and lower munitions warfare

USA, August 3, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — The Thanh Hoa Bridge (“Dragon’s Jaw”) was the target of over 800 American Sorties with unguided bombs in the Vietnam War. The North Vietnamese anti-aircraft defense made it extremely difficult for U.S. pilots to deliver an unguided bomb on target. Then, on 13 May 1972, the BOLT-117, the world’s first laser-guided bomb, made its famous debut and successfully struck the Dragon. This is a prime example of the advantages of precision guided weapons over unguided weapons.

Over the fifty years since, laser guided bombs and other precision-guided munitions including (e.g., GPS guided munitions) have evolved. In Operation Enduring Freedom, precision guided munitions accounted for nearly 70% of the munitions dropped.

Of course, if you can hit the vulnerable spot on your target, then your chances of destroying a target go way up; however, there are a number of challenges in trying to hit that exact spot. Your target can move, and movement can be unpredictable. Your target can have modular construction wherein different parts move differently, such as the cannon on a tank or a complex modular drone.

Consider a simple structure. The main frame of a tank could have a first coordinate system, such as a Cartesian coordinate system enabling all points on the tank’s main frame to have specific (x, y, z) main frame coordinate. The cannon on the tank would have a second coordinate system, enabling all points on the cannon to have a specific (x, y, z) cannon coordinate. The first coordinate system and second coordinate system could be linked by a point of rotation.

Consider a more complex structure, such as a drone with a highly complex modular construction. Dozens of linked coordinate systems could be needed to model complex crafts such as this.

So, the question arises — on an enemy craft with a modular construction with multiple parts moving over multiple axes, where will the most vulnerable spot be located at the precise time the munition arrives?

US Patent 11,179,130 discloses a novel method for targeting by using an AI model to predict a future location of a vulnerable spot on an enemy craft with a modular construction. The ‘130 patent discloses methodology to model complex structures with multiple coordinate systems, record sensor data in a database and use an AI-model to predict a future coordinate of any spot on any modular component.

The IVAS system is a golden opportunity to collect data for the ‘130 patented AI-model. Wherever the Soldiers go wearing the IVAS, the sensors could be collecting data so the AI system can learn how modular construction-type enemy craft behave and where their vulnerable spots will be located.

A precision munition could be delivered using a new target location – the AI-predicted future location of the most vulnerable spot of the enemy craft at the future arrival time of the precision munition. In other words, while the munition is in route, the AI predicts the most vulnerable spot’s GPS coordinate at the time of the munition’s arrival and the precision munition uses that predicted future coordinate as the target.

Using TPMI‘s patented techniques, it could be possible to use less attempts or even lower amount of munitions to take out a target. Precision guidance to a vulnerable spot would require lower explosive for target destruction. Moreover, with a lower payload weight, more delivery systems (e.g., drones) could be used.

The ‘130 patent system opens up a new type of warfare — by using smaller munitions and more precisely placed. Would it be possible to take out an enemy’s tank without killing the Soldiers inside? Or disarm an entire battalion through precision strikes and force your enemy to surrender completely with less casualties?

With TPMI’s enhancements, the IVAS system could be improved. TPMI aims to work with PEO Soldier to integrate this novel technology into the IVAS.

About the author: Dr. Robert Douglas is a West Point graduate who: fought as an Infantryman in Vietnam with US units and a Vietnam recon company; worked in a combat development agency; studied nuclear war in the Joint Chiefs of Staff; patrolled in the desert for the UN in the Middle East with Russian war planners; and developed a system to assist Air Force space exercises. After leaving the service he spent over three decades in the defense industry rising from manager to vice president working programs ranging from sensors and missiles for Air Force aircraft to rubbing shoulders with Army scientists; to Army helicopters and combat vehicles as well as rapid target acquisition, night vision goggles and weapon sights.

Dr. Robert Douglas
email us here

Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/647697111/a-sixteenth-major-improvement-to-the-integrated-visual-augmentation-system

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