Verity One Ltd. Escalates Battle Against Fake Honey with AI, Blockchain and Food Trust Program Honey Laundering

Verity One Ltd. Escalates Battle Against Fake Honey with AI, Blockchain and Food Trust Program Honey Laundering


Industrial Waste

Industrial Waste



Verity One Ltd. combines Blockchain, IBM Hyperledger, Polygon MATIC, and AI in the fight against fake honey and Honey Laundering.

Verity One Ltd. combats fake honey, safeguarding market integrity with AI and blockchain technology, ensuring product authenticity and consumer safety”

— Adam Reiser

CHEYENNE, WY, USA, January 29, 2024 / — Pioneering Authenticity and Safety
Verity One Ltd., adhering to its TRUTH MATTERS ethos, intensifies efforts to combat the widespread issue of fake honey. The company integrates advanced recall management systems, utilizing blockchain and AI, along with the Verity One Food Trust Program to ensure product integrity and consumer safety.

The Prevalence of Fake Honey
In markets around the world, including the UK and Dubai, fake honey is a growing concern. Investigations have found significant amounts of fake honey in major grocery and pharmacy chains. This adulterated honey often lacks pollen, a key indicator of authenticity, and poses serious health risks to consumers.

Dangers Beyond the Lack of Pollen: Heavy Metals, Pesticides, and Banned Imports
Fake honey not only lacks pollen but can also contain harmful contaminants like heavy metals, pesticides, and other chemicals. Additionally, honey from banned countries such as China may enter markets illegally, circumventing safety standards and regulations.

Advanced Technological Solutions for Compliance
At the heart of Verity One Ltd.’s strategy is the integration of IBM Hyperledger and Polygon MATIC within its Verity One System for Compliance. This ensures a robust and scalable tracking system, enhanced by the Verity One Mobile Scanning App for immediate product verification.

Revolutionary Recall Management and Food Trust Program
Under CEO Adam Reiser’s leadership, Verity One Ltd. has developed a leading recall management system using AI and blockchain, enhancing the authenticity and safety of food products since 2001.

Impact on the Honey Industry
Verity One Ltd.’s technologies are crucial in fostering a transparent and equitable honey market, benefiting consumers, producers, and retailers, and restoring industry trust.

Verity One Ltd.’s commitment to advanced technology and the Food Trust Program continues to lead the fight against fake honey, ensuring a safer, more transparent food supply chain.

Adam Reiser
Verity One Ltd.
+1 561-789-1139
email us here

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