Thousands of people are searching for a Lamp that is worth M or more and is believed to be hidden somewhere in Texas

Thousands of people are searching for a Lamp that is worth M or more and is believed to be hidden somewhere in Texas

Nationwide Treasure Hunting Platform for Real Treasure

Find The Wish Lamp and win $1 Million Dollars or get 3 Real Wishes!

Find the “Wish Lamp” and win $1M Dollars or Choose 3 Real Wishes worth $1.2M

Get in the game that can Change your life...Real Treasure Hunt for $1M or More!

Join the Treasure Hunt for $1 Million Dollars Going on Now!

New Treasure Hunting Platform Launches with thousands of people already out looking for the Million Dollar “Wish Lamp” The finder can choose $1M or 3 Wishes.

New Platform Provides Nationwide Treasure Hunts for Life Changing Prizes & Money All Year Long!”

— TG$

GREAT FALLS, MONTANA, UNITED STATES, March 25, 2024 / — Treasure Game$ is a new platform that provides Nationwide Treasure Hunts for Real Treasure worth Life Changing Money & Prizes.

The first game launched by Treasure Games is called “Wish Lamps” and the objective is simple: Find the Lamp and win $1 Million Dollars or make 3 Real Wishes worth $1.2M. But the Third wish has to be for someone else.

The company has hidden high value treasure items all over the country and will be activating more regions and more games soon. “The majority of treasure hunters that have signed up so far, believe the Lamp is in Texas based on the 4 clues they get every day” said Dirk Gibson the Founder of Treasure Games. “The first game launched on January 1, 2024 and Hundreds of treasure hunters believe they are within 5 miles of the treasure. Any day now someone could find the lamp or it may take months. It is our first nationwide hunt, so no one knows exactly when the lamp will be found and who will find it.”

Treasure Games provides these unique nationwide treasure hunts through their newly launched platform that connects all the treasure hunters and allows them to receive daily clues and upload content about their adventures. Many players have already won money in the weekly contest for uploading short videos about their treasure hunting adventures looking for the Lamp. Treasure Hunters can engage with the platform using any connected device.

Anyone age 13 and up can join the platform at any time. There is a Free Trial and a Full Access subscription level available. “The big attraction for the players is that there is Life Changing Money on the line in a game of skill and effort vs chance. The process is simple, Solve the Clues, Find the Lamp, Win $1 Million Dollars or more!” Gibson said.

We hear it all the time from our treasure hunters ; “This is better than the lottery because you can influence your chances of winning by how much effort you put into finding the treasure…and its fun!” said Gibson. “It took years to build this platform and get it ready to launch and now we are seeing thousands of Treasure Hunters having a great life experience being real treasure hunters searching for real treasure.”

People are playing from all over the country and more regions will be activating later this year. Eventually, as sponsors come on board, all the regions will be active all the time with multiple games going simultaneously.

Everyone can try the first game for free and stay in the platform as long as they want. The community of treasure hunters grows everyday and the entire platform is designed to be uplifting and fun and provide a real adventure… one that could be life changing.

Dirk Gibson
Treasure Game$
[email protected]
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