Cama’i Community Health Center Discusses the Challenges of Mental Health in Remote Alaska

NAKNEK, ALASKA, UNITED STATES, December 15, 2023 / — In a recent guide, Cama’i CHC released a discussion about the challenges that rural Alaskans face when it comes to getting access to mental health services.

Remote Alaska presents a beautiful backdrop for any outdoor enthusiast. But while the landscape here can be picturesque and breathtaking, living in this region can be extremely challenging for those in need of mental health support.

Whether it’s the absence of light or the distance from healthcare services, the following presents unique challenges for those seeking mental health care in rural Alaska:

• Isolation

• Cultural Stigma

• Seasonal Shifts

• Cultural Sensitivity

Not only in Alaska but throughout the country, many people suffering from mental health issues are often deterred from seeking help. Thankfully, Cama’i Community Health Center offers a range of behavioral health services for those living in the Bristol Bay region of Alaska. In addition, Cama’i also offers several ways to help support mental health care that anyone can try, including:

• Establishing Support Networks

• Practicing Self-Care

• Staying Connected

• Engaging in Outdoor Activities

• Developing Coping Strategies

• Planning for Seasonal Changes and Challenges

• Taking Breaks

• Setting Boundaries

• Staying Informed

At Cama’i, our behavioral health specialists strive to offer the best assistance possible for anyone interested in accessing mental health care, whether this is prescribing medication or offering a shoulder to lean on.

As dedicated mental health providers, Cama’i understands that many people may be deterred by societal beliefs and stigma surrounding seeking mental health services. But we’re here to offer a safe space where personal information is kept confidential.

Cama’i CHC is located in Naknek, Alaska, and provides primary care as well as behavioral health services for residents in Naknek and the Bristol Bay region of Alaska. If you’d like to learn more about our services or if you need to schedule an appointment, contact us today.

Mary Swain
Cama’i CHC
+1 907-246-6155
email us here

Originally published at

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