A Common America Launches SuperPAC to Empower Moderate Voters and Promote Bipartisanship in Politics

A Common America Launches SuperPAC to Empower Moderate Voters and Promote Bipartisanship in Politics

Group Aims to Advance Meaningful Legislation That Most Americans Agree On

We are thrilled to officially launch our SuperPAC and take our mission to the next level.”

— GM Ogle

WASHINGTON DC, DC, UNITED STATES, February 22, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — A Common America, a grassroots organization dedicated to promoting bipartisanship and civility in American politics, is proud to announce the formal launch of its SuperPAC. This new initiative aims to empower moderate voters and elect politicians who prioritize collaboration and empathy in passing meaningful legislation on issues that matter most to Americans.

The current political climate in America is deeply divided, with extreme partisanship hindering progress on important issues such as healthcare, immigration, and climate change. A Common America recognizes the urgent need for change and is committed to bridging the gap between the two major parties by promoting moderate voices and values.

Through its SuperPAC, A Common America will endorse candidates who demonstrate a commitment to bipartisanship, civility, and empathy at the Federal level. The organization will also provide voter education on topics such as candidate ratings, critical issues facing America, and engaging others with differing opinions to find common ground.

“We are thrilled to officially launch our SuperPAC and take our mission to the next level,” said GM Ogle, Co-Founder of A Common America. “Our goal is to empower moderate voters and elect leaders who prioritize collaboration and empathy over partisan politics. We believe that by promoting bipartisanship, we can make a real difference in the lives of Americans and move our country forward.”

A Common America invites all moderate voters to join their movement and support their efforts to bring about positive change in American politics. For more information on the SuperPAC and how to get involved, please visit their website at www.acommonamerica.org.

Together, we can create a more united and productive America. Let’s make our voices heard and elect leaders who will put the needs of the people above party politics. A Common America is ready to lead the way towards a better future for all Americans.

Paid for by A Common America (www.acommonamerica.org). Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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A Common America
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Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/690098652/a-common-america-launches-superpac-to-empower-moderate-voters-and-promote-bipartisanship-in-politics

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