The original SpeedMixer made in Germany is key device for development and prototyping of new composites

The original SpeedMixer made in Germany is key device for development and prototyping of new composites

Mixing new formulations for composites with the Hauschild SpeedMixer® with sensor integration and automatic pot cooling system

In R&D laboratories, Hauschild SpeedMixer® are an essential piece of equipment.

In R&D laboratories, Hauschild SpeedMixer® are an essential piece of equipment

With fifty years of experience the original SpeedMixer made in Germany is key device for development and prototyping of new composites

With fifty years of experience the original SpeedMixer made in Germany is key device for development and prototyping of new composites

Hauschild shows its original SpeedMixer® SMART DAC series with vacuum-robotic, QR-code reader, remote control and automatic pot cooling system at CAMX 23

The Hauschild SpeedMixer® SMART DAC offers new possibilities for temperature-sensitive materials and simplifies as well as accelerates the development and prototyping of composites immensely”

— Fabio Boccola, CEO Hauschild Engineering

FARMINGTON HILLS, MICHIGAN, VEREINIGTE STAATEN, July 17, 2023/ — With fifty years of experience the original SpeedMixer made in Germany is key device for development and prototyping of new composites.
Hauschild shows its German-made original SpeedMixer® SMART DAC series at CAMX, October 30 – Nov 2, 2023, Atlanta, GA, Building C, Level 1 — F28. They come with vacuum-robotic, sensor integration for temperature, gas etc., variable counter rotation, Internet of things compliance, QR-code reader, remote control, and automatic pot cooling system, which is an outstanding feature in the field of laboratory mixers.

Mixing composites in exactly the right ratio, at the right temperature and in the right time frame is one of the most important tasks in R&D laboratories in the world. The Hauschild SpeedMixer® SMART DAC offers new possibilities for temperature-sensitive materials and simplifies as well as accelerates the development and prototyping of composites immensely.

A Hauschild SpeedMixer® is a programmable dual asymmetric centrifugal (DAC) mixer for laboratory work and small production quantities. It offers fast mixing and grinding of materials that could otherwise take a lot of time. When mixing temperature-sensitive materials, real-time temperature control or cooling of the mixture is very useful. The new series Hauschild SpeedMixer® SMART DAC therefore comes with vacuum-robotic, sensor integration for temperature, gas etc., variable counter rotation, Internet of things compliance, QR-code reader, remote control, and automatic pot cooling system, which is an outstanding feature in the field of laboratory mixers.

“There is no better way to obtain a homogeneous mixture of composites than mixing with a DAC mixer”, explains Fabio Boccola, CEO of Hauschild Engineering, the pioneer of this technology some 50 years ago. “Such a dual asymmetric centrifugal mixer does not require a stirring tool, provides nearly 100 percent degassing and, by using centrifugal forces with extremely high rotational values, mixes materials that were previously considered impossible to mix.”

World’s first device with vacuum robotics function.

For companies with highly automated laboratories and small batch production, Hauschild also offers – as the first in the world on the market – a robot version with vacuum option for perfect degassing. New mixing sizes and volumes make the use of this innovative mixer interesting also in small batch production: It allows mixing from 250 g up to 1,5 kg and 2 kg or with mixing volume from 310 ml up to 2.8 litres. Its improved design also allows mixing at very low speeds without the risk of strong vibrations, which is a great advantage when, for example, a light powder is one of the components.


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Mareike Boccola
Hauschild Engineering
+1 877-773-6937
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The World’s Leading Industrial Mixer, the Hauschild SpeedMixer® is a Story of Precision & Quality

Article originally published on as The original SpeedMixer made in Germany is key device for development and prototyping of new composites

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