Sisters of the Valley Launch GoFundMe Campaign After Devastating Fraud Incident

Sisters of the Valley Launch GoFundMe Campaign After Devastating Fraud Incident

Gathered in prayer at a Monastery chapel

sisters gathered for prayer

The Sisters Gather at the Altar of the Divine Feminine

eight sisters standing between the railroad tracks and the ocean

Climbing up to the Railroad Tracks for a View of the Pacific Ocean

California’s Sisters Appeal to Their Followers

There is never a good time to be a victim of fraud, but this happening right now created a real existential crisis for the Sisterhood.”

— Sister Halla

MERCED, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, June 7, 2024 / — The Sisters of the Valley, an enclave renowned for their healing products and community service, have been hit by an international banking fraud that has jeopardized their financial stability and future operations. The group, known for their resilience and commitment to healing, is now reaching out to their followers for support through a GoFundMe campaign.

The bank’s initial reaction was to blame the sisters, but they ultimately filed the banking fraud reports and advised the Sisters on what agencies they should engage. However, the accounts are locked and overdrawn. The Sisters have detailed the incident in a heartfelt five-minute video.

Already facing challenges from floods, mudslides, and the ongoing pandemic economy, the Sisters have been striving to sustain their manufacturing business. In an effort to diversify, they had planned a teaching retreat, where they would collaborate with Sisters from Mexico to create medicinal products. This retreat was designed not only as a source of income but also as a way to cover their annual license fees.

However, the fraud incident struck just days before their planned departure, putting these crucial plans at risk. Despite the financial setback, the Sisters proceeded with the retreat, driven by their commitment to the community and their mission.

In response to this crisis, Sisters Camilla and Halla launched a GoFundMe campaign under Sister Kate’s name. The campaign asks for a modest contribution of $1 from each of their 200,000 followers, with a goal of raising $22,000. This amount will help cover the immediate losses and ensure the Sisters can continue their work. Remarkably, within a short time of launching, nearly 10% of the needed funds have already been raised.

Facing this adversity, the Sisters have turned to prayer, seeking strength and resolution. The retreat, initially planned as a blend of work and play, has become a period of deep reflection and spiritual focus.

The Sisters of the Valley are appealing to their supporters to help them overcome this challenging period. Contributions can be made through their GoFundMe page and the Sisters invite everyone to watch their video for a detailed account of the fraud incident.

“We are humbled and grateful for the outpouring of support we have already received,” said Sister Kate. “Together, we can overcome this hurdle and continue our mission of healing and education.”

Donations are also accepted on the sisters’ store at There is a link at the bottom of the landing page. Readers can also find more information about the Sisters there.

Sister Kate
Sisters of the Valley
+1 209-626-6601
[email protected]

Sister Camilla and Sister Halla Explain the Fraud That Happened

Article originally published on as Sisters of the Valley Launch GoFundMe Campaign After Devastating Fraud Incident

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