A New Framework For SMB Success by Ron Rechan

The time has come for CEOs to reimagine their workforce strategy and organizational structure.

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— Ron Rechan

BUFFALO, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES, August 6, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — This paper makes the case for a hybrid org chart model that leverages domain experts for core leadership and staff, freelancers for specialized skills, and outsourced providers for administrative needs. As a business consultant for SMB’s, I examine the limitations of legacy org structures and propose a new framework designed for flexibility and effectiveness.

Problem: Legacy Org Charts Are Obsolete

– Rigid hierarchies inhibit communication and stifle innovation

– Silos prevent collaboration between departments

– Struggle to accommodate project-based work

– Cannot quickly adapt to changing talent needs

– Maintain bloated departments that do not drive growth

Solution: A Flexible Hybrid Model

– Leadership provides vision, strategy and oversight

– Domain experts execute core objectives

– Freelancers supply specialized, temporary skills

– Outsourced providers handle commoditized functions

Benefits: Agility, Efficiency, Access to Top Talent

– Expands and contracts to meet project needs

– Assembles bespoke teams tailored to each initiative

– Allows focus on high value strategic activities

– Avoid fixed costs by paying only for specific skills needed

Steps for Implementation

1. Identify True Domain Experts

2. Categorize Activities as Core vs. Outsource

3. Curate Stable of Trusted Freelancers

4. Train and Onboard all Team Members

5. Manage Hybrid Teams and Set Clear Accountability

6. Continuously Optimize Labor Mix

Implementing the Framework

Hybrid teams demand clear delineation of responsibilities and accountabilities between domain experts, freelancers and service providers. Project management processes ensure the combined efforts integrate seamlessly. Periodic optimization reviews help continuously align labor resources with the company’s evolving needs. Analyze which capabilities should remain core competencies versus those better served by temporary or outsourced help. Adjust the workforce mix accordingly. The future of work has arrived. SMBs can no longer cling to rigid organizational structures and expect to compete and win in today’s hyper-accelerated business environment. The new org chart provides an operating model optimized for flexibility, efficiency and access to talent.

Domain experts provide leadership while freelancers add targeted skills and bandwidth. Administrative burdens are lifted through outsourced services. The new framework enables SMBs to rapidly assemble specialized teams tailored to the needs of each new initiative or challenge.

The time has come for CEOs to reimagine their workforce strategy and organizational structure. Resist the temptation to cling to the status quo. Embrace change and unlock your organization’s full potential.

Lead your business confidently into the future with an org chart designed for what lies ahead, not for what has already passed.

Ron Rechan, Business Consultant


Ron Rechan
Ron Rechan Business Consultant
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Article originally published on www.einpresswire.com as A New Framework For SMB Success by Ron Rechan

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