A Better User Experience Unveiled

NaXum is proud to share the latest strides in user experience across platforms.

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, UNITED STATES, January 19, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — NaXum is proud to share the latest strides in user experience across platforms. From revamped texting and video tools to streamlined shopping cart functionalities, NaXum’s talented designers and engineers are committed to enhancing platform interaction.

Joe Biñas, a UX Designer, revamped the Texting and Video tools for a smoother experience.

Abdulmutalib Amoka, Mobile App Engineer, recoded the Page Hits page, ensuring it’s more responsive.

Priom Bhowmik, Core Tech Engineer, explored Open Cart features to let admins set Retail and Subscription Prices. Customers can now choose and create a subscription profile on successful payment.

Hassan Imran, UX Designer, updated the Money Admin’s Top Earner and Clawback Tool, making it more user-friendly by retiring an old feature.

These upgrades highlight NaXum’s commitment to actively improving user experiences. It’s not just about fixing; it’s about making things better. Through these efforts, NaXum cements its position as a go-to in the ever-evolving world of digital platforms.

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Rodd Kirby
NaXum Online Marketing Systems
+1 713-867-7999
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Article originally published on www.einpresswire.com as A Better User Experience Unveiled

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