Veteran and Business Owner Shayne Snavely of Amelia, VA Announces Candidacy for Virginia State Senate District 10

Veteran and Business Owner Shayne Snavely of Amelia, VA Announces Candidacy for Virginia State Senate District 10
Candidates for Virgina State Senate District 10

Republican | Leadership | Integrity

The Change We Need, Leadership We Deserve!

APPOMATTOX, VA, UNITED STATES, August 6, 2024 / — Shayne Snavely, officially announced his candidacy for the Virginia Senate District 10, emphasizing his commitment to representing the people and addressing their needs. Speaking to a crowd in Appomattox, Snavely outlined his vision and priorities for the district. “I believe in a government that is of the people, by the people, and for the people,” Snavely stated. “This is the people’s seat; it belongs to you, and I will be there to represent you and do what you ask of me.”

Snavely is the Founder and Co-Owner of Rainmaker Strategic Partners, a campaign and business consulting firm, and the Founder and Co-Owner of International Protective Services Agency, a personal protection and security company. As a veteran and business owner, he has highlighted his key priorities, which include fiscal responsibility, supporting small businesses, and ensuring responsive communication with constituents. “My #1 priority will be District 10, and my legislation will be crafted to ensure it benefits the people in my district,” he said.

He also emphasized his stance on several key issues, stating, “I am Pro God, Pro Guns, Pro Life, and Pro America First.” Snavely plans to hold town hall meetings across the district to gather concerns and ideas from residents, which will guide his legislative agenda.

“A common complaint that my team and I hear is that constituents cannot reach their senator to get responses to their issues. A number one priority for my office will be to respond to your phone calls and emails in a timely manner and I will do my best to see you when you come to Richmond during the General Assembly,” Snavely assured. Another one of his objectives is to focus on fiscal responsibility and the efficient use of taxpayer money.

Addressing the challenges faced by local farmers, Snavely pointed to the closure of Tyson Foods processing plant in Cumberland County as an example of the disruptions in the agricultural sector.

“We need to explore promoting small businesses and small business manufacturing groups into the district. Reducing regulations and taxes on small businesses will be one of my priorities,” Snavely said.

With four years of experience working in the Virginia Senate, Snavely believes he is well prepared to represent District 10 effectively. “My team and I have a strong knowledge of how the Senate operates, how bills are created, and passed”, he noted. He also emphasized the importance of building relationships across the aisle to achieve legislative success.

“I want to be a warrior for SD10, but I can’t do it alone. I’m going to need help and support to make it happen and I look forward to working with all of you,” Snavely concluded.

To contact Shayne Snavely and his campaign team, please click below:

Debbie Gwynn
Friends of Shayne Snavely
+1 804-720-7910
[email protected]
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