(Video) Berlin conference Sheds Light on Iran’s Challenges, Extends Support to the Resistance movement

(Video) Berlin conference Sheds Light on Iran’s Challenges, Extends Support to the Resistance movement

In a significant gathering held in Berlin on Thursday, December 14, 2023, leaders from federal and state parliaments of Germany, political figures, human rights advocates, and members of the Iranian diaspora convened to address pressing issues concerning Iran.

Mrs. Rajavi, presedent-elect of NCRI, " The Central Council of the PMOI is composed of 1,000 women. They come from all parts of society and have more than 40 years of experience in struggle. They are a source of hope and inspiration for Iranian women."

Mrs. Rajavi, presedent-elect of NCRI, ” The Central Council of the PMOI is composed of 1,000 women. They come from all parts of society and have more than 40 years of experience in struggle. They are a source of hope and inspiration for Iranian women.”

The Professor Dr. Rita Süssmuth, '' expressed delight in the growing parliamentary backing and praised Mrs. Rajavi for her courage and proactive approach. She also underscored the impact of Mrs. Rajavi’s actions in Germany and throughout Europe.''

The Professor Dr. Rita Süssmuth, ” expressed delight in the growing parliamentary backing and praised Mrs. Rajavi for her courage and proactive approach. She also underscored the impact of Mrs. Rajavi’s actions in Germany and throughout Europe.”

Martin Patzelt, voiced concern over the enduring impact of disinformation and targeted attacks against the Iranian Resistance within democratic nations like Germany."He highlighted the challenges faced in countering false narratives circulated against the NCRI.''

Martin Patzelt, voiced concern over the enduring impact of disinformation and targeted attacks against the Iranian Resistance within democratic nations like Germany.”He highlighted the challenges faced in countering false narratives circulated against the NCRI.”

Diana Stöcker, " Endorsing the NCRI as a democratic alternative and advocating for Ten-Point Plan outlined by Maryam Rajavi. She emphasized that supporting the NCRI provides hope for Iranians and reinforces the global commitment to a free and democratic Iran.''

Diana Stöcker, ” Endorsing the NCRI as a democratic alternative and advocating for Ten-Point Plan outlined by Maryam Rajavi. She emphasized that supporting the NCRI provides hope for Iranians and reinforces the global commitment to a free and democratic Iran.”

MP Grundl underscored his commitment to addressing the challenges posed by terrorist organizations, pledging solidarity with those affected, in Iran and world.

Mrs. Rajavi , “40 years of appeasement of this regime has been the significant factor contributing to war and instability in the region. It is crucial to implement a firm policy against the regime.””


PARIS, FARANCE, December 28, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) Foreign Affairs Committee in an article published that in a significant gathering held in Berlin on Thursday, December 14, 2023, leaders from federal and state parliaments of Germany, political figures, human rights advocates, and members of the Iranian diaspora convened to address pressing issues concerning Iran. The conference drew notable participants, including the former Speaker of the Federal Parliament of Germany, Professor Dr. Rita Süssmuth, and other influential figures.

The distinguished speakers who addressed the conference included prominent politicians such as Dr. France Josef Jung, former German Minister of Defense; former MP from Christian Democratic Union (CDU) Leo Dautzenberg, Co-Chair of the German Solidarity Committee for a Free Iran; Carsten Müller, senior member of the Legal Commission of the Federal Parliament from CDU; Mr. Ingo Bodtke, a member of the German Bundestag from the Free Democratic Party (FDP); Mr. Erhard Grundl, member of the Alliance 90/The Greens (Green Party); Christoph de Vries, member of the Committee for Home Affairs and Community, and member of the Oversight Panel of the Federal Parliament from the CDU; Katja Adler, a member of the Bundestag from the Free Democratic Party (FDP); Diana Stöcker, member of the Health Committee, alternate member of the Education and Research Committee, and Secretary of the Federal Parliament from CDU; Martin Patzelt, former member of the Federal Parliament and Co-Chair of the German Solidarity Committee for a Free Iran; and Christian Zimmermann, Secretary of the German Solidarity Committee.

Speakers also included representatives from the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and members of the Iranian diaspora. Notably, the conference opened with online remarks from Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, setting the tone for discussions on critical matters related to Iran.

Mrs. Rajavi said, “40 years of appeasement of this regime has been the significant factor contributing to war and instability in the region. To avoid repeating past mistakes, it is crucial to implement a firm policy against the regime and endorse the Iranian people’s and Resistance’s efforts in putting an end to the regime.

“Over the years of struggle against the mullahs’ misogynist regime, we managed to realize women’s equality in our movement. Fifty-six percent of members of the National Council of Resistance of Iran are women. The Central Council of the People’s Mojahedin Organization is composed of 1,000 women. They come from all parts of society and have more than 40 years of experience in struggle. They are a source of hope and inspiration to Iranian women.

“In just two months since the Middle East conflict began, they have executed 230 prisoners in Iran. Western policies, however, failed to stop such grave human rights violations or prevent the regime’s meddling in the region. In practice, they even aided the regime most of the time.

“European intelligence services, particularly in Germany, have repeatedly highlighted that the Iranian regime’s primary targets in Europe are the National Council of Resistance (NCRI) and the PMOI. The regime’s agents gather information and carry out disinformation campaigns against the Iranian Resistance. The German Police found numerous notebooks in the car belonging to the regime’s terrorist diplomat, Assadollah Assadi. One such notebook, known as the green notebook, contained 289 addresses of appointments with the regime’s agents in various countries, half of them in Germany. Assadi paid many of them. Unfortunately, these notebooks were never made public. Recently, a network of regime infiltrators in the US and Europe was uncovered.”

Mrs. Rajavi called for urgent international action, including the designation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization, activation of the snapback mechanism in Security Council Resolution 2231 to ensure full implementation of UN resolutions on the regime’s nuclear projects, and comprehensive sanctions, declaration of the Iranian regime as an imminent threat to global peace and security under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, and recognition of the Iranian people’s struggle to overthrow the regime, emphasizing the courageous fight of Iranian youth against the terrorist IRGC.

Moderating the conference, Mr. Carsten Müller delivered an address at the Berlin conference, expressing profound concern over the inadequacies of Western and German policies towards Tehran.

Emphasizing the urgency for increased international support of the Iranian Resistance, Mr. Müller cited a book containing signatures from over 500 representatives across party lines in German states and the federal parliament.

In his address, he also brought attention to the insidious infiltration tactics employed by the Iranian regime, citing a brochure on their influence network in European politics.

Referring to recent debates in the German Bundestag on the suppression of freedom in Iran, Mr. Müller stressed the importance of united efforts across party and faction boundaries to effectively address the multifaceted issues affecting the Iranian people.

Mr. Leo Dautzenberg highlighted critical issues surrounding human rights and freedom in Iran, and he also shed light on the destructive role of the Mullahs’ regime in the Middle East conflict and its repercussions for European citizens.

He also highlighted the regime’s intensified efforts to suppress the Iranian opposition on European soil, employing manipulation of justice and the creation of false documents to instigate terror against dissidents abroad. Mr. Dautzenberg addressed the ongoing show trial orchestrated by the arbitrary justice system in Iran against leading Iranian opposition figures in absentia, targeting 104 members of the People’s Mujahideen of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

Expressing concern for the renewed attempts at the criminalization of MEK members, Mr. Dautzenberg noted the potential implications for future persecution and terrorist attacks against Iranian refugees in Europe. He emphasized the role of the organized resistance against the Iranian regime, led by the National Council of Resistance of Iran, the PMOI, and its Resistance Units within Iran.

Mr. Dautzenberg reminded the audience of the Iranian people’s desire for democracy, a sentiment expressed from 2017 to 2022, which unfortunately lacked sufficient support from the West due to factors such as ignorance, fixation on the nuclear deal, and economic interests.

Pointing out a core problem, Mr. Dautzenberg criticized Western governments for surrounding themselves with purported “Iran experts” who propagate narratives about the stability of the Iranian regime despite its crimes and dismissing viable alternatives, citing the Ten-Point Plan of NCRI President-elect Mrs. Maryam Rajavi.

In her address at a conference in Berlin, Mrs. Rita Süssmuth expressed her admiration for Mrs. Rajavi’s commitment to equality and human rights in Iran.

The former Bundestag President, acknowledging the sizable audience, reminded the audience about the early obstacles encountered by herself and a small group advocating for change in opposition to the government’s stance on the Iranian regime. She stressed the significance of overcoming silence with courage.

Mrs. Süssmuth expressed delight in the growing parliamentary backing and praised Mrs. Rajavi for her courage and proactive approach. She also underscored the impact of Mrs. Rajavi’s actions in Germany and throughout Europe.

Referencing Mrs. Rajavi’s book on equality, Mrs. Süssmuth encouraged the audience to understand the incremental progress achieved and the importance of holding onto the vision for a better future.

In his remarks, Mr. Ingo Bodtke, a member of the German Bundestag, underscored the necessity of speaking up and taking a stand against injustice. He expressed his pride in being a part of the cause, stressing that it is crucial to stand in solidarity and support those at the forefront of the struggle against injustice.

Citing the Iranian regime, Mr. Bodtke drew from his personal experience in East Germany, compared the oppressive regimes, and highlighted the importance of not allowing any regime that suppresses those with different thoughts to justify its existence. Drawing parallels with the fears and uncertainties during the era of the Berlin Wall, he expressed solidarity with the Iranian people and their struggle for justice.

In conclusion, the parliamentarian reiterated the responsibility of the international community, particularly from Germany, to support the cause for justice in Iran and to stand in solidarity with those fighting for their rights.

MP Katja Adler declared her support for the Iranian resistance, noting the correlation between human rights and women’s rights. Referencing the recent prominence of the Iranian Resistance, MP Adler emphasized the need to focus on the resistance’s efforts.

Expressing a strong commitment to supporting the resistance for freedom and democracy, she pledged to continue discussions aiming to classify the Mullahs’ regime as a terrorist organization. She underscored the fundamental role this designation plays, especially in light of the regime’s actions and its impact on the Middle East conflict.

MP Adler concluded by stressing the critical importance of establishing democracy in Iran for achieving peace in the Middle East. She pledged to continue her efforts in advocating for these principles and thanked Mariam Rajavi for her courage and leadership.

Addressing a gathering in Berlin, Diana Stöcker expressed her deep concern over the recent Amnesty International report detailing the sexual assault of demonstrators during the 2022 protests in Iran. Stöcker highlighted the alarming reality that anyone opposing the regime could become a victim of human rights abuses, emphasizing the indiscriminate nature of such persecution.

The German parliamentarian expressed her commitment to being a voice for political prisoners in Iran, urging the international community to denounce the regime for its gross human rights violations. She condemned the invitation extended to Ebrahim Raisi, the president of the Iranian regime, by the UN’s Global Refugee Forum, citing his involvement in the 1988 mass execution of political prisoners.

MP Stöcker also criticized the regime’s role in exacerbating the refugee crisis from Iran and Syria due to war crimes. She applauded the cancellation of Raisi’s participation, attributing it to the combined efforts of human rights activists, prominent figures, and parliamentary colleagues worldwide.

MP Diana Stöcker concluded by endorsing the NCRI as a democratic alternative to the current regime, advocating for its Ten-Point Plan outlined by its President-elect Mrs. Maryam Rajavi. She emphasized that supporting the NCRI provides hope for Iranians and reinforces the global commitment to a free and democratic Iran.

In an address during the conference in Berlin, Mr. Franz-Josef Jung expressed deep concern over the Iranian regime’s blatant disregard for human rights. Commemorating International Human Rights Day on December 10, Mr. Jung paid tribute to the 120,000 victims executed by the regime since its establishment. He underscored that the recent execution of over 700 individuals in the past year alone is a stark reminder of the regime’s ruthless repression.

Identifying the Iranian regime’s attempts to export terrorism and fundamentalism as signs of weakness, Mr. Jung highlighted the regime’s fear of both domestic and international opposition. He pointed out that the regime, in an orchestrated trial, is currently prosecuting 104 members of the Iranian Resistance, all residents of European countries.

Moreover, the former German Minister of Defense expressed alarm at the regime’s massive disinformation campaign against the NCRI. He emphasized the need for European institutions and media to reject the regime’s propaganda and advocated for a reconsideration of the European Union’s policy toward Iran. Mr. Jung called for a firm stance, including the imposition of sanctions, to counter the regime’s human rights abuses and disinformation.

Supporting the democratic alternative presented by the NCRI, Mr. Jung endorsed the Ten-Point Plan outlined by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, considering it a solid foundation for a democratic Iran. He urged a reevaluation of the EU’s policy, emphasizing that a democratic Iran is crucial for regional and global peace, security, and stability.

Mr. Martin Patzelt, delivered a heartfelt speech, bearing witness to the struggles faced by the Iranian people under the oppressive regime. Emphasizing the parallels between the totalitarian structures in East Germany and the Iranian regime, the former mayor of Frankfurt voiced concern over the enduring impact of disinformation and targeted attacks against the Iranian Resistance within democratic nations like Germany. Reflecting on his eight years as a Bundestag representative, he highlighted the challenges faced in countering false narratives circulated against the NCRI.

The MP, having visited Ashraf and participated in gatherings in Paris, attested to his critical evaluation of allegations made against the Iranian Resistance. He dismissed claims of the movement being a sect with communist intentions and affirmed his support for an organization that cherishes democracy as an alternative to authoritarian rule.

Expressing his deep hope for witnessing a free Iran in his lifetime, Patzelt saluted the bravery of Iranians who continue to stand against oppressive measures, particularly women who face imprisonment for defying archaic dress codes. Acknowledging the sacrifices made by those who advocate for freedom, he urged Germany and Europe to recognize the truth and resist falling prey to disinformation campaigns.

The former lord mayor recommended a book co-authored by himself, aimed at debunking prevalent myths and prejudices against the Iranian Resistance. Encouraging individuals to engage directly with members of the movement, Mr. Patzelt concluded by portraying a picture of Iranians who, motivated by love for their culture and people, strive for a future akin to the freedoms enjoyed in Germany.

Mr. Erhard Grundl highlighted the importance of a broad political foundation at the conference. Serving as the spokesperson for cultural and media policy for his faction, he condemned the oppressive regime of the Mullahs, attributing it to the suffering not only within Iran but also extending beyond its borders. Reflecting on his experience during the Shah’s dictatorship, he noted the dashed hopes for improvement that followed.

Referencing the recent conflict in the Middle East, MP Grundl connected the threads of terrorism, emphasizing the need for discussions on issues such as the inclusion of the IRGC on the terror list.

MP Grundl underscored his commitment to addressing the challenges posed by terrorist organizations, pledging solidarity with those affected, both in Iran and worldwide. He concluded by affirming his dedication to fostering dialogue and seeking solutions to pressing international concerns.

In her speech, Katrin Bornmüller, the Honorary Chairperson of the German section of the International Society for Human Rights (IGFM), expressed support for human rights activists inside Iran and appealed to all democratic governments to take a stand against the oppressive regime, urging them to work towards its cessation and accountability for its atrocities.

Christian Zimmermann, a human rights activist, reflected on the 75th anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights while emphasizing the dire human rights situation in Iran. Despite Iran signing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, Zimmermann asserted that successive Iranian governments, particularly the Raisi administration, consistently violated these principles.

Labeling Iran as a “terror regime” that disregards human dignity, Mr. Zimmermann called for global democratic support to put an end to the regime.

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Labeling Iran as a “terror regime” that disregards human dignity, Mr. Zimmermann called for global democratic support to put an end to the regime.

Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/677578946/video-berlin-conference-sheds-light-on-iran-s-challenges-extends-support-to-the-resistance-movement

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