NCRI-US Sheds Light on Iran’s Disinformation Campaign Driven by Network of Apologists

NCRI-US Sheds Light on Iran’s Disinformation Campaign Driven by Network of Apologists

Alireza Jafarzadeh, the deputy director of the Washington office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), comments on Iran’s network of influencers and apologists leading its disinformation campaign abroad.

The appeasement policy has provided space for Tehran’s web of influence to operate and is a roadblock in the path to democratic change in Iran. It must end.

The appeasement policy has provided space for Tehran’s web of influence to operate and is a roadblock in the path to democratic change in Iran. It must end.”

— Alireza Jafarzadeh, Deputy Director, NCRI-US

WASHINGTON, DC, UNITED STATES, September 29, 2023 / — Alireza Jafarzadeh, the deputy director of the Washington office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), made the following commentary about Iran’s network of influencers and apologists leading its disinformation campaign abroad:

“In a meticulous campaign to refurbish its tarnished global image, especially surrounding its controversial nuclear program, the Iranian regime, as disclosed by today’s revelations, embarked on a covert initiative known as the Iran Experts Initiative.

“Under this initiative, a network of overseas academics, influential Iranian Americans, rising experts, and receptive journalists were strategically aligned to underplay Iran’s outrageous human rights record, nuclear ambitions, and instigation of terror in the region.

“A recurring theme was their insistence on maintaining the status quo under the existing regime by vehemently dismissing any viable alternative.

This network also orchestrated a disinformation crusade, led by the regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and the IRGC, to demonize the MEK, the most formidable opposition striving for a free Iran for nearly 60 years.

“This campaign vigorously, albeit unsuccessfully, worked to stop the MEK’s court-ordered removal from the FTO list.

“It continuously exploited media, social media platforms, academic panels, and other channels to vilify the MEK, isolate it, and provide impunity for the regime to kill its members inside Iran and abroad. It also undermined the Iranian people’s uprisings while portraying the Iranian regime as a permanent feature with which the West should engage.

“Yes, this network’s disinformation has cost the Iranian Resistance much blood and treasure to the detriment of the Iranian people. However, the MEK and Iran’s uprisings have persisted and are on the rise.

“The revelation of the Iranian regime’s network of experts further proves that the appeasement policy, which has provided space for Tehran’s malicious web of influence to operate, is a roadblock in the path of democratic change in Iran and must end. Exposing Tehran’s entire network of operatives, under any pretexts, would be a critical first step.”


The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) is a democratic coalition of Iranian opposition organizations and personalities and was founded in Tehran, Iran, in July 1981, as the alternative to the clerical regime, a month after the onset of the nationwide resistance to overthrow the ruling dictatorship.

The NCRI is committed to the affirmation of the people’s sovereignty in a republic founded on universal suffrage and pluralism; gender equality; separation of religion and state and freedom of religions and faiths; freedom of thought, press, and association; support for peace in the Middle East; plan for the autonomy of Iranian nationalities and ethnicities; and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as embodied in Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s 10-Point Plan for Future Iran.

The NCRI would serve as a provisional government led by its President-elect Mrs. Rajavi, and its primary responsibility will be to hold free and fair elections for a national and constituent assembly within six months to ensure the peaceful transition of power to the elected representatives of the Iranian people.

Iran’s largest, most organized opposition group, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), also referred to as the MEK, is the principal member of the NCRI.

These materials are being distributed by the National Council of Resistance of Iran-U.S. Representative Office (NCRI-US). Additional information is on file with the Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.

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